My Interview on Mount Pleasant Up Close

Here’s my half hour long interview on Mount Pleasant Up Close in three parts.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

It is strange to watch yourself. I can see how nervous I started. Being on the “pointy” end of the camera is foreign to me. I’ve spoken in front of large groups. I’ve performed on stage. All without fear, I might add. During a college internship with a network affiliate, I’ve even operated the camera and been floor manager. The front of the camera is much more intimate. Only being on camera more often can make it more comfortable.

My previous interviews were via email with people across the pond. Being interviewed by people you know, who are also friends, is completely different.

Besides being Borough Manager (Jeff) and Borough Mayor and Fire Chief (Jerry), Jeff and Jerry are co-organizers of the Mount Pleasant Glass and Ethnic Festival. Being co-founders, they have been with the festival since its inception. Every year, it gets better. This September will mark the 27th year.

They do so much for the town. Jerry has been mayor since 1985. He listens to the residents, bringing suggestions to council and working to alleviate problems. Right now, he is working to implement a severe weather warning system. Jeff initiated the constantly growing multi-town summits, based on the G-8, that successfully find solutions to local issues. Working with the competent council, Jerry and Jeff have kept the town running smoothly and efficiently without raising taxes for almost a decade. The ever-busy duo also does this weekly tv/radio show to showcase friends of the borough.

I’ve had the pleasure of working with Jerry and Jeff on the festival for the past five years. Through festival social functions, they have had the opportunity to peruse my books that were published over the past year. While reading Tricentennial, Jeff looked up and said to me, “We have to have you on the show.” I was honored to be a guest on their show. It was a great experience.

Behind the Scenes of my guest appearance on Mount Pleasant Up Close


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